Songs & Music
Volando - Chapter 1
Trad slow tune from the Andes played by Stefan on wooden flute and frame drum. |
Sto Perigiali - Chapter 2
Widely loved poetic song from Greece sung by Stefan with guitar. |
Dracula's Cat - Chapter 3
Original humorous lyrics and music written by stefan, sung with guitar. Multi-tracked studio recording to follow, in due course. |
Dimna Juda - Chapter 4
Darkly humorous Macedonian dance-song in Bulgarian language. |
Multitracked voices + guitar, drums and descant recorder performed by Stefan.
An Diran Chapter 5
Soulful song about a Selkie by Gordon Bok, sung by Stefan with guitar. |
Braindance - Chapter 6
Quirky and original dance-song written by Stefan. |
Multitracked vocals and character voices, clarinet, keyboard, lead and rhythm guitars + FX by Stefan.
Bass guitar, drums and engineering by Phil Graves at Dove Studio, Ipswich
Bass guitar, drums and engineering by Phil Graves at Dove Studio, Ipswich
Makedonska Devojce - Chapter 7
Popular Macedonian song sung by Stefan with accordion |
Mama's Kitchen - Chapter 8
Diversity awareness song, composed by Raffi and performed here by Stefan |
Carousel - Chapter 9
Tune from 'Tales of The Unexpected' adapted with original lyrics by Stefan. Played on melodion; a small button squeezebox. |
Eyes That Speak - Chapter 10
Song of compassion by Samite from Uganda, sung by Stefan with |
guitar. Stefan recommends also hearing the original recording:
Dancing Through Walls - Chapter 10
Peace song. Lyrics and music by Stefan, sung with guitar. Multi-tracked studio recording to follow, in due course. |
Nightwalking - Chapter 12
Contemporary Indigenous American tune composed by Carlos Nakai, arranged and performed by Stefan. |
Dreamy songs written and performed by Stefan, selected from his album Tree of Life.
Tree of Life
Slow Down
Running For Shelter
Moving Centre Music Book
The book Moving Centre contains music for 72 popular dance tunes from the Balkans, Russia, Armenia, Israel, S America, France & Britain - with a majority from Macedonia & the Balkans. Many are songs with lyrics and translations. Most give optional harmony parts. All have chords which can be used for guitar, accordion or keyboards. There's an intro giving hints for musicians and for dance teachers using live music. The book is attractively |
illustrated and I've had affirming feedback from musicians and singers playing for the dance.
This book can be ordered, by making payment of £15 + £5 P + P GBP via PayPal (Stefan Freedman [email protected]) and stating 'Moving Centre' and entering your address details in the message box.
This book can be ordered, by making payment of £15 + £5 P + P GBP via PayPal (Stefan Freedman [email protected]) and stating 'Moving Centre' and entering your address details in the message box.